Source Citation- "Drinking (Alcoholic Beverages)." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 2 Oct. 2015.
Summary-Drinking can be done casually however consuming large amounts of alcohol frequently can lead to many problems. There are many different types of alcohol and each has their own risk but someone also have health benefits.
Details-Different types of alcohol have different alcohol content. Beer usually has 4-6 percent, table wines usually have 10-14 percent but fortified wines have 14-20 percent, spirits usually have 36-60 percent, Vodka has 35-50 percent, Gin has 40 percent and Whiskey has 40-50 percent.
Many studies say that moderate drinkers have lower rates of heart attack, blood clot-caused stroke and moderate amounts of alcohol can raise levels of good cholesterol
Questions-On a daily basis how much alcohol should a legal adult consume to be considered a moderate amount?
What are the long terms effects of drinking an excess amount of alcohol?
A word I don't understand-Fermented
What is stopping you from understanding the word-I have heard of the word before but I am unsure of its full definition
Definition-a change brought about by ferment, as yeast enzymes, which convert grape super into ethyl alcohol
Question you can pose to your peers in a discussion- After learning about the effects of alcohol does it change your view on it?