Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Potential Research Topics-School Uniforms

This topic is very interesting to me because its very controversial. There's pros and cons to school uniforms.The pros are it's easy in the morning and everyone has to dress the same. Since everyone is dressed the same this can limit bullying. However there are some cons. Children like to express themselves through there clothing and having to wear a uniform restricts it. I personal don't mind them because it would save me time in the morning.

Source Citation"School Uniforms." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2014. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 14 Oct. 2015.

Summary-A dress code is different from a uniform, a dress code set rules about what cannot be worn but do not specify what must be worn.people are weighing the pros and cons because public school are meant to be free but now parents will have to pay for the uniform.

Details-Following the new requirement, crime in the K–8 schools dropped by 22 percent, while attendance increased. Further, the district reported higher student test scores in reading and math.

Some parents also argue that uniforms should not be mandated in public schools, which are supposed to be free. To address this issue, President Bush instituted tax breaks for school supply purchases. 

Questions- How do kids feel about wearing uniforms?

When people buy uniforms does some of the money go towards the school, and if yes how do they spend the money?

A word I don't understand-Synthetic

What is stopping you from understanding the word- I know what the word is but the way it's used in the sentence is confusing me

Definition-not real or genuine; artificial; feigned

Question you can pose to your peers in a discussion- Do you think uniforms are beneficial to students?

Friday, October 9, 2015

Potential Research Topic-Minimum Wage

This topic is important to me because as a teen who was recent introduced to the working world I think minimum wage is very important. I think it’s very fair that there is a set amount everyone should make. It’s unfair to pay people less then what they should earn. I think minimum wage is very important and I’m glad it just got increased. People rely on their jobs to supply food and shelter to their families and by raising the minimum wage it makes things easier for people.

Source Citation- "Minimum Wage." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2014. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 9 Oct. 2015

Summary-This article is about minimum wage and how its been increased over the years. over the years minimum wages have increased and now people want to raise it to $15.Some states such as Seattle and San Francisco have raised minimum wage standards to $15 per hour and in September New York approved $15 per hour for fast-food workers. Protests for minimum wage increases continue on across the nation for low wage workers.

In 1896 New Zealand was the first country to establish a minimum wage law. In 1912 Massachusetts became the first state in the United States to pass a minimum wage law.

Congress increased the minimum wage in 1949, 1956, 1961, 1968, 1974, 1991, 1996, and 1997. From 1997 to 2007 the federal minimum wage stayed at $5.15 an hour.

About 75.3 million people ages sixteen and over worked for hourly wages in 2008, according to the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). People earning the federal minimum wage or less totaled 2.2 million in 2008, or 3 percent of all hourly workers. People who earn minimum wage are usually young.

Questions- How many people are not getting paid minimum wage?

At places like restaurants do employees earn less because they get tips?

A word I don't understand-Proponents

What is stopping you from understanding the word- I've never heard of this word before

Definition-A person who puts forward a proposition or proposal.

Question you can pose to your peers in a discussion-Do you think minimum wage should be raised,and if it was raised where would we get the money from?

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Potential Research Topic- Texting While Driving

This is a very interesting topic because I recently started driving. Also cell phones and technology have been growing in popularity. People mostly teens are addicted to their phones; they can't go 5 minutes without checking it. This is dangerous because if s person checks their phone while driving even for a second there's a chance they might get into an accident. Cell phones are constantly beeping signaling a notification this will cause people to look away from the road and become distracted.

Source Citation-"Texting While Driving." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 9 Oct. 2015.

Cell phones are being increasing popular; this is because many advances have been made. Cell phones are smaller and so inexpensive almost anyone can have one. Cells phones although they are very helpful they are also very harmful. In the past years more people are getting into car accidents because of the phones
Details-A report published by NHTSA (National Highway Traffic Safety Administration) ,5,474 people were killed in the united states because of distracted driving incidents and 448,000 were injured in these accidents. In 2010 a new report showed 3,092 deaths due to distraction-affected crashes.

The Pew Internet and American Life project published a 2009 report that focused on teens and distracted driving. They found that nearly 75 percent of teens 12 to 17 years old own a cell phone. Of these, 34 percent admit to texting while driving, 48 percent of teens say they were passengers in a car when a driver was texting. 

As of 2012 thirty-two states and the District of Columbia ban cell phone use by all new drivers. Ten states ban talking on a hand-held cell phone. Thirty-nine states and the District of Columbia have enacted texting-while-driving laws that ban texting while driving.

 Questions- Do teens or adults text and drive more?

In the next few years will texting and driving be banned in all states and what will the consequences be?

A word I don't understand-Ageist

What is stopping you from understanding the word- I have never heard of this word before

Definition- Discrimination against persons of a certain age group

Question you can pose to your peers in a discussion-Should people be allowed to text at a red light or is it just as dangerous?

Monday, October 5, 2015

Potential Research Topics-Teen Driving

This is a potential research topic for me because I recently started driving .Driving at such a young age is dangerous because you don't have as much experience as everyone else on the road. Today teens are all about using their phone even when driving, I would like to see the statistics of teen accidents and teen texting and driving. Although I enjoy driving I think people should be aware of the effects of being on the road.

Source Citation-"Teen Driving." Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 5 Oct. 2015.

Summary-Car crashes are the biggest cause of death for teenagers in the United States. The reason of this is inexperience. This is because driving class don’t teach you everything you need to know they only teach you how to pass the test.

Details-In a driving class the instructor only teaches you how to pass the test.You don't learn how to drive on an icy street or late at night.

An AAA study in North Carolina showed that 57 percent of teen crashes are from ,inattention, failure to reduce speed and failure to yield. These mistakes can be fixed if teens had more experience.

Children's hospital of Philadelphia and State Farm found that 75 percent of fatal accidents were caused by driving to fast for road conditions or weather,being distracted or technology.almost 28 percent of all vehicle crashes can be linked to talking on a cell phone or texting while driving,says the National Safety Council.


How many driver ed classes offer driving at night or in harsh conditions such as snow,rain or fog?

Should teenagers not be aloud to drive until they're older such as 18 or 21?

A word I don't understand-Conscientious

What is stopping you from understanding the word-I understand what the word means but the ending is confusing me 

Definition-governed by conscience; controlled by or done according to one's inner sense of what is right; principled:

Question you can pose to your peers in a discussion-After hearing about the the deaths and accidents caused by teen driving do you think you'll be more careful on the road or take more driving classes that al;low you to practice at night or in harsh conditions?